I'm making another stab at setting up my BDP-83 and 1070 and getting some weird results using the AIX calibration disk. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe there's a better way.

I started with Gonk's setup guide for the 970/1070 and tried bothe the HPF/LPF and Digital switch esttings. With HPF/LPF if I set the output to Analog I get only the left and right front channels. If I use Ext 7.1 I get all channels, but then the only choice I get for surround processing is Bypass. Setting the trim for individual speakers, starting with 0 for LF & RF, I have to boost the ctr to 5.0 and reduce the SL & SR to -2.5. Even when the Sub is set to +10 its reading on my SPL meter is way below the other speakers.

If I set the switch to Digital and the surround processing to Digital, I have to set the trim as follows, LF -2, Ctr +5, RF 0, SL & SR -2.5, and the sub is way low at +10.

Then, if I use the coax input and treat the disk as a CD, and surround processing set to Dolby PCLII-C, I have way to much sub.

I don't understand what's happening here.
Robert S. Becker, Esq.