Originally posted by bestbang4thebuck:
[b]tkntz makes an association that may or may not apply. If the partnership means that Outlaw offers a product that is NOT Outlaw branded, as has been the case with the SMS-1, then there is no limit to products already a part of Outlaw’s history. If such is the case then a partnership offering would not “eliminate the suggestions made so far” and the point “However, it is from a product area Outlaw has previously been involved with” would not apply.

tkntz, why the impression that the new partnership product would be Outlaw branded? Did I miss something? [/b]
I really am not assuming that it will be Outlaw branded, but as akdrama points out, it will have Outlaw influenced enhancements.

However, upon looking at Peter's third post on this topic, the topic of Outlaw branded products is a separate discussion from this new "major" announcement. I am leaning toward it NOT being an Outlaw branded product after reading his post again:
Before all of this speculation on new directions for Outlaw spins wildly out of control, we will, instead, become involved with something from another company. That being said, we will have an Outlaw twist on some interesting enhancements.

As for Outlaw branded products, we are working on four or five new offerings this year. Each one, including of course, the 997, is in various stages of development. All of these products speak to our core competency in areas where we already have a history.
So then the question would move toward, "What product could Outlaw offer from another firm and what could they do to enhance that product without re-branding it?"

Bestbang4thebuck may be on to something here!
