The hint that this new announcement relates to movies, but NOT Blu-Ray is perplexing. I would be shocked to see Outlaw get involved in any type of display system due too the competitiveness of this product area and the continual technological developments. I would lean toward "TooManyHobbies" suggestion of some sort of server or even a NetFlix box. But once again, this is a pretty big moving target for a small firm like Outlaw Audio. These products that are in a continual state of development are difficult for smaller firms. Amps, pre-amps, speakers; these products tend to have longer life cycles, providing for a better return on R&D. I have to say I'm intrigued. Peter hints that it will be their own twist on a pre-existing product. True genius on the part of the Outlaws to announce that they're GOING to have an announcement!