I'm inclined to think this new product announcement might be along the lines of a home theater box to download and store movies from the Internet, for example, the VUDU (www.vudu.com). Movie downloading seems to be the latest direction for acquiring movie content, and there's not a lot available other than being connected to a Windows Media PC or a game box. I'd definitely prefer to have a download solution for my home theater that was not connected to my computer system, since my computers and home theater are in different, non-adjacent rooms of the house. One of Outlaw's Internet competitors is considering offering integration with Control4 technology, and downloading movie content for home theater is one of the services provided by a Control4 system. However, having seen what Control4 offers in comparison to VUDU, I'd opt for the VUDU system. And this could go beyond what VUDU is currently offering. Anyway, another direction to consider.
