Well Peter, could this mean there is a Blu-Ray player coming from Outlaw? I would be interested, but you are going to have to put something really good together to compete with the likes of Oppo. Or maybe you are just going to be partnering with Oppo like you did on the SMS-1.

Whatever it is I am sure it will be something tasty!

Happy New Year to all of you at Outlaw and Thank You for your dedication to delivering quality products and great customer service.
Emotiva XMC-1, Outlaw 7500, Sonus Faber Olympica III Fronts, SF Liuto Center, SF Surrounds, LFM-1 EX, Oppo BDP-103D, Apple TV (Gen. 4), Mitsubishi 65" Diamond DLP, Outlaw Cables, PS Audio Power Quintet, Duet and power cords.