Gonk, second the thanks for the engadget article. I guess that’s the announcement I was waiting on. Be careful what you wish for.

So now it's a waiting game for me. Since the Panasonic DMP-BD50 is scheduled to be released mid year I have to wait anyway. So maybe there will be an update on the OPPO Blueray in the meantime. Logic and my gut tell me to wait for the OPPO, emotion wants to by the Panasonic the first day it’s available.

Maybe, just maybe the "New" 990 will be out at the same time. (What a nice upgrade package)
Outlaw 990/7125; Parasound HCA 1500A; Samsung LN52B630; OPPO-BDP-83 Blueray
Belkin PureAV PF60; B&W 604S3 Mains; B&W LCR600 S3 Center; B&W 600S3 LS, RS, LB, RB
Outlaw LFM-1 Compact Subwoofer; Boston Voyager 3 (Outdoor zone 2); Harmony One