A friend of mine talked to a Internet Direct company about his preprocessor not being able to do DTS-ES (matrixing - taking a 5.1 DTS and making it 6.1) and the head guy of the company (not Outlaw) said that DTS (the company) does allow any receiver (or pre) to "matrix" a DTS 5.1 signal.

Does that seem very strange to anyone else? Cause my Outlaw 950 sure does so it. I can put on a DTS 5.1 track, and then select "DTS-ES" and it makes it 6.1. So, what's the deal with the above statement? Have things changed in the DTS world since the 950, or is the guy full of bull? I'm utterly shocked that this particular company won't allow DTS matrixing of a signal in their pre.
