My dog house has the same issue with cleaning stuff that's been on the Master's first generation TiVo with only 14 hour capacity in some cases for three years. (!) on my first generation TiVo with the small 14 hour capacity. He was looking at the Cyberhome $99 special, but it just seemed too cheap. Looking around at the local Circuit City he found a Centrios DVD +/- Recorder for $75 (!). It's a full width (440 mm) chassis and seems to be better built than the widely advertised Cyberhome for $25 less. Interface isn't the best, but recording quality is just fine -- and after all, what do you want for $75. Look around for it if you want a simple recorder (with tuner!) and don't want to spring for something more expensive.

But what do I know, I'm only a dog!

Arf, Arf says Iggy
But what do I know, I'm ONLY a dog!

ARF, ARF says Iggy