In the sub-category of System Tweaks, I offer this testimonial/endorsement. After reading a number of very positive reviews about this CD/DVD enhancement product, I took the plunge. You are welcome to sort out all the technicalities here
but let me just say the following:

1. The stuff made a BIG very noticable difference in the over-all sound of my system. Particularly in the bass/LFE response. It upped the musicality of the low frequencies beyond my expectations. Alongside this it opened the soundstage and brought out parts of very familiar music that I had not noticed or heard.

2. I don't have the greatest HiDef video system so I am offering no experiential info about its DVD enhancement, though many reviewers do

3. After ordering from one of my favorite e-talers where I do most of my SACD shopping due to their complete inventory, I discovered that I had gotten the v.1 formula. I wrote a short email to the parent company asking about it and in a day I got a response saying they would happily (at no cost) send me the new pen and gel. This level of customer service is why I love Outlaw and it played a part in me writing here about Audience's product too.
4. I realize that any and all of our many system upgrades are at the end of the run, subjective. What sounds good to me is just that...what sounds good to ME. However, I would encourage any of you to give this product a shot. It's 40 bucks for enough to work on over 200 disks. (they say 200 to 400)

5. Because the sound just wasn't jumping out at me the way I wanted,I was at a point with my system trying to decide whether to upgrade to a new disk player ($800.00 to $1200.00) or a DAC (three I liked ran around $1000.00). And I don't know if purchasing hyper-expensive speaker cable would give me that much better sound...I just can't bring myself to part with that kinda change for a maybe. In this case the cost benefit ratio is decidedly lower and better.
There are a number of these sort of product available but I'll tell you, for the level of customer service (you can order directly from Audience) and the price point (the others I know of are more money)coupled with the reviews from some very respected writers. I am happy (OK not as happy as Mr and Mrs. Gonk)and have a lot of $ left over.
I haven't listened to this many of my old familiar disks in a long time and now I can't wait to hear them. laugh