Last week, my neighbor across the street lost electrical power. He told me that he was headed over to my house to see if I had lost power also.

He said that he got 1/2 way down his driveway and felt the rumble, so he knew I hadn't lost power, turned around and went back home.

I was testing the system, playing chapter 9 from LOTR FOTR (the on-fire, big demon dude) at that particular moment, clocking 127 dB peaks from 12 feet in 3,200 cubic feet, no clipping, no bottoming.

That sort of thing is fun, once in a while, but I really designed the system for max flexibility and sound quality. I mostly listen to hi-rez MC audio at around 90 dB with 105ish dB peaks.

Since there are 3 proprietary features that are still under non-disclosure agreement and that would be instantly seen in pics, I can't post any...yet. I promise pics soon, 'cause you just gotta see these.

To answer the original question of this thread, I look for effortless, on-time, distortion-free low freq reproduction with PLENTY of headroom in a small footprint, extraordinary industrial design package.

Impossible to find in the current commercial offerings, so I designed and built my own.

It's been a BLAST...literally.
"Time wounds all heels." John Lennon