I went to the show on Friday and could have spent a lot more time. So much to wander around and see/hear. However as this is the home of Outlaw, I wanted to add only a couple of things to what has already been reported. The feature was the LFM and it completely blew me away (and many others I heard talking through the halls as well). Really an amazing sub and even more so for the price.

The 2150 completely caught my attention (and the part of me that really wants stuff) It is truly something to see. I can assume the sound will be there as well. It stands out in a field of plain vanilla looking components. It would be a great beginning to a seperate 2 channel system. Also, as for the queries about color, I am remebering the non silver details as blue on the 2150.

Finally, there were only three or four rooms that had lines waiting to get inside. No matter when my travels brought me back by the Outlaw room, the line was always there. In a show packed with possible stops, this made me feel great about Outlaw.
As Peter told me when I stopped to say how much I loved the components (he had asked who in the room were owners and three of us all had 950/770), "Tell your friends about us we're only a small company".
Yeah I said but you're growing in all the right ways.

Great company, knowledgable community of Outlaws and a pleasure to be a part of.