Bob, as a long time Outlaw supporter who is familiar with your posts, your last post took me by surprise in that you would twist my words so you could make me look ignorant or naive, but your "partial" apology is not needed.

My statement was simple. I never guaranteed something would sound better, I just simply stated that the price of chips have dropped and therefore it is possible to do what was not just two years ago. Since you earlier dismissed people who upgrade to get more features and then you claim I am a marketing shill because I said people may want something newer if it sounds better, I was just wondering what made you buy the 950 and not just keep what you had? Not trying to be rude either but twisting my words and then calling me out publicly as a pawn to prove your rant in my opinion is a bit over the top.

[This message has been edited by Jed M (edited May 17, 2004).]