Originally posted by Paul J. Stiles:
"I'm the kind of delusional manager who thinks employees actually do a better job when they're happy."

Jeff, how quaint. How in the heck do you expect to get to "golden parachute" status with an attitude like that?

Exactly. My parachute was bronze, but I'm sure glad I had it. If they hadn't given it to me, I would have had no choice but to sue them ... which is of course why they give them at all. They certainly don't do it out of the kindness of their hearts, because they don't have hearts.


With so many companies screwing over their workers, their shareholders, and their customers just to give big rewards to upper management (who are NOT as essential they like to think of themselves), I will have to make an even more informed choice in my purchases: where was the product made/designed and what is the attitude of the people who run the company.

That's a really good philosophy, and I like it!

Regarding the necessity of management, whenever I get too arrogant, I would ask myself: could my direct reports do their job without me? Could I do my job without them?

Management adds value, but without the workers, management is absolutely useless. Therefore, my priority was and always will be, make the employees happy. If they like what they're doing, they'll do more of it.


So many companies want to import workders to fill job vacancies (and who are willing to work for lower wages, less benefits and less security) I say why not import upper management type from overseas and save some money there, too. Heck, while we're at it, lets import political leaders, too. So many of our political leaders seem to be in the pockets of big business.

Off of soapbox now!


Heh. Michael Moore made a similar suggestion and I think it's right on the money.

Of course, you know why the lower level guys get laid off but the higher level ones don't? Because the higher level ones are the ones making the decision! ("Well, I'm obviously not going to lay myself off, so who else can I get rid of?")
