"I'm the kind of delusional manager who thinks employees actually do a better job when they're happy."

Jeff, how quaint. How in the heck do you expect to get to "golden parachute" status with an attitude like that?

So much of upper management has such a greedy "l'etat, c'est moi" attitude it sickens me. HP, American Airlines are recent examples. Upper management only cares about themselves and employees are only incidental. They brag about how many thousands of workers they dumped and the business commmunity in general applauds them.

I use to be concerned as to where a product was made. If there was a U.S. made equivalent,(not likely in the audio equipment unless you are in the high-end market) and it did not cost a whole lot more, I would go for the U.S. made product. I do expect to pay more for U.S. made, after all, my fellow American workers should not be expected to work for third world wages.

With so many companies screwing over their workers, their shareholders, and their customers just to give big rewards to upper management (who are NOT as essential they like to think of themselves), I will have to make an even more informed choice in my purchases: where was the product made/designed and what is the attitude of the people who run the company.

So many companies want to import workers to fill job vacancies (and who are willing to work for lower wages, less benefits and less security) I say why not import upper management type from overseas and save some money there, too. Heck, while we're at it, lets import political leaders, too. So many of our political leaders seem to be in the pockets of big business.

Off of soapbox now!


the 1derful1

editt two ficks spel missteak

[This message has been edited by Paul J. Stiles (edited May 25, 2003).]
the 1derful1