Originally posted by bossobass:
jeff says:

whoopie. find a dd soundtrack made from the same master, boost the bass up about 10db, and i'll bet you couldn't tell them apart.

now, THAT'S funny.

let's bet your MC-12. wait...what bass gets boosted? all 5 channels, or 6? or, is it 7? i haven't been paying attention.

I bet the same could be said of you through all your schooling, too.

Listen, if you want to believe that DTS is better than DD despite the lack of any supporting evidence and in the face of reliable contradicting evidence, go right ahead.

It makes no difference to me, and the nice folks at DTS have families to feed just like anybody else. You should also buy some nice Bose speakers to go with your DTS discs, since Bose makes the best speakers, too, in much the same way that DTS makes the best algorithm.

Knock yourself out. You're obviously much too smart for us here. Couldn't slip one by you, could we? Nosireebob. You're just too clever for us by a half.
