SH: "I'm afraid that until motion picture soundtracks are delivered on some future format uncompressed, we are going to have to live with less than optimum (to put it mildly!) sound."
hey, why don't they widen the film a teensie bit and...modulate 5 or more channels of audio...with...light! whut a novel and new idea for me.
ya know, it's always so...weird (?) to hear the original of any format...and then hearing it back after one puts it through the 'washin' machine. especially if what you've done is record somebody live. not that i feel bad after that, exactly havin a baby kinda. always end up wishing everyone heard it like you! (digital or analogue) analogue gets muddy if ya layer it to thick and digital simply ...changes it...for ever.
the 96/24 is really good,tho. who earlier said they had or heard some 192/24? i'd like to hear that!
t higg