I'm afraid that until motion picture soundtracks are delivered on some future format uncompressed, we are going to have to live with less than optimum (to put it mildly!) sound.

There are lots of ways to compress, so I'm not completely sure what you mean here. There is the old dynamic range compression, lossless data compression and lossy data compression. The first is generally not desirable, the second is not an issue. Lossy compression is a tricky thing - and even DTS reduces the data stream (while cooking the sonics at the same time - yeck) by a lot. I suspect a lossy compression scheme with the 'brains' of DD or better and much greater bandwidth (although still packed) would yield acceptable results.

FWIW my DTS vs. DD impressions are ditto yours - hard for me to really pick a winner, with the caveat that I must admit, I like either pretty well.