I don't expect that when it is commercially possible to release a HD DVD with HD non-lossy multichannel sound, it will be done. There just is not (nor will there likely be) the demand for the HD non-lossy multichannel sound.

The available data space on the disk will be used for more features and bonus stuff (i.e. gimmicks) to get the average consumer (including teenyboppers) to part with his or her $$$.

Generally, when I watch a DVD movie with multichannel sound, I do not hold the sound to the same standards of quality as I do when I am playing a vinyl disk, SACD disk or CD disk. If I did, I would just be setting myself up for a letdown.

There is one good thing about having exceedinly low standards or expectations: you are rarely disappointed. So I try not to set my standards too high unless I have just cause to expect the higher standards to be met.

the 1derful1