I would agree the DTS is better than DD. I have played a number of tracks to hear the difference. My favorites are Blade II, DTS ES puts the DD ES to shame. And rented Reign of Fire once and during the beginning scene when the boy is in the cave and the drops of water are individually occurring in surround, the DTS sound reproduction of these drops was superb and real and the DD made the drops lose their spatial placement.

While at CES I picked up a demo from AIXrecords.com, new recordings in 96Khz/24bit at DD5.1 or DTS. They sound great, even the wife thinks so. The DD/DTS comparison is a little tougher to make out in this instance, but I still find the clarity of the DTS track better defined and separation/imaging of sounds better as a result. At $25 per CD, these new DVD discs play in your everyday DVD, but I am just being patient before I pick up a few more for my listening pleasure.