“Mullhand Drive”, “Pulp Fiction”, (although in this genre loved ‘Fargo’) “Titanic”, liked the SE’s - ship recreated contrasted to present condition, but pretty much could not stand the actors. “Fast and Furious”, played for the ‘car’ oriented theme here…but I could not stand the screenplay. Big disappointment also on Pearl Harbor. (and this one can get me in trouble…”Attack of the Clones”)

m-mmeyers: I can’t stand Segal, myself, I get very bad vibes from that actor, as if he would be creepy to hang out with in real life. But I can admire the talent (regardless of the poor ‘to English’ transfers, of any Bruce Lee film, there is no denying that guys sexuality and passion (obsession) for his craft, and I just plain ‘like’ anything with Jackie Chan, Chan is devishlish funny and dedicated/talented (although I fear for his life) best part of any JC movie…the out takes.

¾ of any first-run with a creature larger than a house as the featured topic.
99.9 percent of any 1st run SEQUAL…just seems practically impossible to ‘top’ the novelty and innovations of the first. Ex: Predator, Alien, Star Wars, Indianna Jones, Silence of the Lambs, Jurassic Park. Etc…..

My husband qualifes "Dumb & Dumber" as one of the worst movies he's ever seen. (I missed it thank goodness). I pretty much can't stand anything with Jim Carey in it.