Originally posted by fmcorps:

Calm down, it'll be alright....

1. Chriteron DVDs...the "new releases" are fairly reasonable. But if you want to pick up a Hitchcock flick it's going to set you back $30-$40 a pop. Even more a copy of Sparticus will wind up costing me close to $50! I mean the SE of Lawerence of Arabia is only $30. Why is a copy of Charade going to set me back an extra $15?

Try http://www.dvdpricesearch.com they didn't list sparticus but Charade was available for $25 not $50.

2. Being it's halloween, I wanted to pick up the Classic Universal Monster Movies (Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, Wolfman, Dracula, Creature from the Black Lagoon.) I know they released them a little over a year ago. But they stopped making them...and I cant find a single one in my stores in town. The I know Disney has this practice, but I can forgive them...they are the embodyment of evil after all.... >

Same here price search found Bride of Frankenstein for $18.53

3. Fantasia. (the orginal 1940 version) Looks HORRIBLE!!! I have horendous artifacting on my copy. It looks AWEFUL. I compaired it to F2000 and it's no contest. Snow white, a film three years older(1937), looks far better then this.

Can't help here.
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