I totally agree about HTF. Its a shame when moderators actually intimidate users to take a position on particular products.

I had extremely negative opinions of Outlaw Audio just because moderators at HTF had no tolerance for anything but praise of the 950 even before it materialized and Outlaw had made a series of missed shipping date pronouncements over 6 months.

My budget forced me into buying the 950 anyway, and since I have, I've been very impressed with the product (for the price) and absolutely blown away by their over-the-top customer service. (Scott, you RULE!)

99% of us can weed out the postings from the uninformed, crazies, or salesmen posing as enthusiasts. But its the well stated dissenting opinions we're often most interested in.

IMO heavy handed moderation is absolutely counter productive to consumers and creates resentment and backlash to products the moderators support.

As one person noted here before, this forum is the most civilized AND the most free of moderation.

HTF is at the mercy of its moderators though. As soon as Mr. Simon came on board posts and threads were selectively deleted and people (including myself) were booted in droves with no explanation or justification.

I think the Outlaw forums are a model for what open and free discussion forums should be. And HTF is or at least was the posterchild of how overactive and "activist" moderation can destroy a boards credibility and reputation.

Once again, Kudos to Outlaw!

[This message has been edited by HT crazed (edited September 15, 2002).]