I went for the Integra 40.1 which is working nicely for me, and is in the same price range as the 997. It is a good quality, well built unit.
- HDMI switching for audio and video
- 2 HDMI outputs (main and sub)
- Audyssey speaker calibration
- Good sound quality (I play SACD/DVDA/DTS/TrueHD etc)
- Good picture quality (can't complain)
- Integrated internet radio
- No phono input
- Supports 7.1
There is also the 80.1 which has some upscale features.
Edited by petemc (03/02/10 01:50 AM)
Integra DHC40.1 preprocessor, Outlaw 7100 Power amp, Martin Logan Aeon II front speakers, Axiom LP150 center speaker, Axiom QS8 surround speakers, Outlaw LFM1 Plus subwoofer, Oppo DBP-83 Blu-Ray/SACD/DVD player, AppleTV music/photo server, DirecTV HR20 satellite receiver