#72361 - 11/03/06 12:29 PM
No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 08/07/06
Posts: 4
Loc: NY
This is very strange, but a 1070 has simply lost volume contol. The remote does not adjust master volume, and turning the 1070 vol control does *nothing*... was working fine, and I'm sure something was changed but I am stumped! I did fully power down, and power up. I can change inputs and run other menu items... just no volume control!
What should I be looking for here?
#72363 - 11/03/06 01:05 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 08/07/06
Posts: 4
Loc: NY
Thank for your quick reply gonk. This is troubling... I went to the unit to double-check the power-on default volume levels... So once again, I put into standby, Powered off, powered on, pressed standby and guess what? I now have audio, and can control with both the know and the remote. I had just done this two times prior to sending to the forum.
FWIW: One fairly recent change was adding a 2nd set top box. (A DISH sat receiver) Prior to this, I had a Microsoft MCE server and a Cable set-top box (CableVision, which I think is scientific) Even with the DISH it all worked for several days before this issue however.
Below is what I was ABOUT to post to you:
-Turning the front knob has NO effect -No sound at all from 1070 -No headphones plugged in and the level is full off -Power on default volume had not been changed that I recall, but when I went to check and restart .. as I mentioned above it seems to be working again!
#72365 - 11/03/06 07:35 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 08/07/06
Posts: 4
Loc: NY
It was defintately not -7-dB... I think it was -30dB. At one point (after many remote vol + presses with seconds in between presses) the display did change. I forgot to mention this before, sorry. But it only changed that one time. (I think from -30dB to something like -22dB) After that, no amount of vol + / - on the remote or the front knob had any effect, and there was no audio out, even after two full power resets of all gear. The 3rd time, as I mentioned seemed to work.
I have a support call open on this, and they seem to think it has to do with firmware, but I applied the update to this and another 1070 in a seperate room about two months ago. (the other 1070 btw has the EXACT same equipment connected and has not had this issue)
So for now, it's unsolved but working. I'll post any findings. Thanks for your time on this gonk! Much appreciated. Don
#72366 - 11/04/06 09:24 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Registered: 08/26/06
Posts: 18
Loc: Harleysville, PA
I had the exact same problem a while back. I applied the "no audio" firmware upgrade and haven't had that exact problem since.
Now, occassionaly after I power on the receiver, I get the no audio problem. But if I switch the input to another source the audio comes on....
Outlaw 1070 Definitive Technology Reference RLS-II, front in-walls Definitive Technology BP/A, rear in-walls Def Tech Mythos Seven, center Polk Audio Atrium 55, outdoor patio SVS PB12-NSD Paradigm CS-50R, in-ceiling kitchen Paradigm CS-50R, in-ceiling dining room Adcom GFA 535 Yamaha M-35 Sony DVP-NS75H DirecTV Plus HDDVR Toshiba 50” Plasma, 50HP66
#72367 - 11/05/06 01:26 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 08/07/06
Posts: 4
Loc: NY
Interesting. I did in fact try switching inputs back and forth several times between the three sources I have configured, but it did not help. I also had gone through setup to make sure that the config was correct for each source, and it was.
I also did not mention this earlier, but I am using only digital inputs in this setup. (on both 1070s... as I mentioned, I have two purchased at the same time with identical sources configured and both have been flashed) -The MCE server is connected via TOSLINK 1 -The cable set-top box is connected via RCA 2 -The Sat set-top box is connected via TOSLINK 3 The output is a 5.1 config
#72368 - 11/10/06 04:58 AM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Registered: 07/03/01
Posts: 104
I've had an issue like this a couple times before. For me at least, it seems to be connected to the loose optical cable on my PC end. (The output isn't deep enough for it to snap in properly.) If the cable comes out while the source is being used, then i have an issue like this, that is fixed by switching the receiver into standby and then back on. Could this possibly be whats happening with you?
#72369 - 12/03/06 07:25 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Registered: 08/26/06
Posts: 18
Loc: Harleysville, PA
Okay.... Now I'm having this problem with a lot more frequency... One thing I noticed is that the volume level readings do change (i.e. -32db to -28db) however, no audio is heard from the speakers. To unfreeze, I select another input (however, the new input must have an active signal) or I power the unit off, then select another input with an active signal to power on...
Also, periodically, I get garbled audio, which I must power the system on & off to clear... Just this weekend, audio went out in the middle of playing... I had been listing to CD's & my iPod (thru the Aux input) for about 2 hours, when the sound stopped. Again I power on & off, the sound returned.
Does anyone know the definitive solution to these audio problems???
The 1070 sounds GREAT, Really it DOES!!! But with all the quirks/bugs... is it all worth it? I was considering getting the Rotel 1057 when I brought this, I'm beginning to think maybe I should have spent the few extra hundred to get the Rotel...
Outlaw 1070 Definitive Technology Reference RLS-II, front in-walls Definitive Technology BP/A, rear in-walls Def Tech Mythos Seven, center Polk Audio Atrium 55, outdoor patio SVS PB12-NSD Paradigm CS-50R, in-ceiling kitchen Paradigm CS-50R, in-ceiling dining room Adcom GFA 535 Yamaha M-35 Sony DVP-NS75H DirecTV Plus HDDVR Toshiba 50” Plasma, 50HP66
#72370 - 12/04/06 12:18 AM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 11/16/06
Posts: 11
Interesting.... I just received my new B stock 1070 a few days ago, and I'm having very similar problems. Not with the volume control, but the other stuff you mentioned. Plus, the output to my subwoofer goes dead sometimes when I first turn on the receiver, or when I change sources or surround modes.
And just like your unit, I have to fool around changing sources or turn the unit off and back on again to fix these problems.
I've been thinking my problems were probably because this was a B stock unit that had been returned and not thoroughly checked out by Outlaw. But now I'm beginning to wonder......
Like you said, this is one GREAT sounding receiver (I was stunned by the sound quality when I hooked it up), but maybe just not worth the hassle.
#72371 - 12/04/06 04:30 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Registered: 08/26/06
Posts: 18
Loc: Harleysville, PA
I forgot to mention the output to my sub goes dead sometimes, too.....
Outlaw 1070 Definitive Technology Reference RLS-II, front in-walls Definitive Technology BP/A, rear in-walls Def Tech Mythos Seven, center Polk Audio Atrium 55, outdoor patio SVS PB12-NSD Paradigm CS-50R, in-ceiling kitchen Paradigm CS-50R, in-ceiling dining room Adcom GFA 535 Yamaha M-35 Sony DVP-NS75H DirecTV Plus HDDVR Toshiba 50” Plasma, 50HP66
#72372 - 12/04/06 10:58 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 11/16/06
Posts: 11
Well, it sounds like our 1070's are suffering from the same problem, whatever it might be.
Have you been in touch with Outlaw about this? I've submitted a message about my probs to their help desk thingie, but haven't received a reply yet.
You know... I've had really good luck with electronics manufactured in China when they are made by a big multi-national company. But stuff produced under contract, like the 1070, seems to be a different story. Although the fact is there is no way I could have afforded the 1070 if it was manufactured anywhere else.
#72373 - 12/05/06 10:52 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 11/16/06
Posts: 11
I received a reply to my message to Outlaw about my probs with my 1070.
They suggested my sub problems are because my speakers are set to large (obviously not the case since the sub works fine most of the time, but the 1070's output just goes dead now and then). Or that my sub is shutting off due to it's auto-power feature (which I have disabled).
They also made very vague mention of a future firmware update that might address the other probs.
So not very helpful really. And they "closed" my ticket on their support deask, so I don't know how I'm supposed to respond further!
Not good signs, it seems to me. However, the 1070 sounds so darn good that I'm going to keep using it for a couple more weeks to see if I can live with it's shortcomings.
#72374 - 12/11/06 07:19 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 07/16/02
Posts: 3
Loc: Los Angeles,CA
I too have suffered with this exact same problem for nearly a year. Firmware updates have not helped. The last time i talked they suggested my cable inputs may be muking something up and try disconnecting all cable feeds through the 1070. It locked up on me this weekend only being fed Audio from my DVD player, nothing else even connected. Very frustrating since I've been trying to get this resolved since February. I wonder how many others have this problem. Is it bigger than I've been told? Turning the receiver off and then on again seems to be the only solution.
#72375 - 12/12/06 11:12 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 11/16/06
Posts: 11
First, I want to let people know that in regard to Outlaw "closing" my request for help (as I mentioned above), I misunderstood their procedure on the help desk support requests and they sent me a private message, trying to help me resolve my difficulties. Unfortunately, I'm still experiencing various intermittent problems. I think the 970 pre/pro shares a lot of circuitry with the 1070, and in looking at that forum, I find people there are having the same difficulties we are. I'm afraid I'm going to have to return my 1070  I'm sure going to miss the audio quality... this is the best sounding under-$1000 AVR I've ever heard.
#72376 - 12/16/06 07:41 AM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 06/04/06
Posts: 7
Loc: Facing East
I have a similar problem. Last night when I switched on my 1070, TiVo and tele, the picture and Tivo were fine. The 1070 was on but no sound. I cranked up the volume as indicated by the unit, but no sound came out.
This isn't the first time this has happened. It seems to happen about 1x/ week. Switching sound modes doesn't fix the problem. The only thing that fixes it, is to turn the 1070 off and then on.
#72377 - 12/23/06 10:14 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 11/23/06
Posts: 10
Loc: Los Angeles
I have had similiar problem couple of times...but to resolve it. I'd press the "TNR" button on the upper right of the remote..right under the "TV" button. and problem resomve...or you can try to remove the battery from the remote and reinstall the battery and it work fine(that's what I did when I can't control my volume or remote with the 1070 for the first time that it happen)...just hope we'll have a new version of the software soon either for the receiver--update via the rs232 serial cable or some form of software or updater to update our remote via the "JP1" port..
#72378 - 12/27/06 02:41 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Registered: 11/21/06
Posts: 45
Loc: Regina, Canada
Coming from a computer background, when things like this start to happen that seem to have no real rhyme or reason you have to start looking at variables such as power supply, heat and motherboard issues.
Is overheating a possibility. Perhaps you could simply stick a big old fan in front or back of the unit temporarily. If the problem diminishes or goes away then that is the issue.
Some sort of power conditioner may help if the unit is susceptible to fluctuations in that area.
I've also had more than a few computers respond to a good hard thwack on the side. If the issue is a corroded or otherwise tenuous connector cable that will temporarily fix the problem. If you can do that consistently then simply re-seating all the connections that use ribbon cables or friction fit might help.
Although I only have a few hours on my new 1070 I haven't run into any issues. I have it standing on 4 Vibrapods that raise it about 3/4" higher off the shelf and it sits on the top shelf in the open. If you're unit is located in a closed cabinet or something I would suggest possible overheating? Frankly though I haven't even looked to see where the vents are located. ;-)
1070, Arcam CD73T, Pioneer DV46-AV, Project Xpression-Grado Red-NAD PP2, Monster HT1600, Wharfedale 8.3 Diamond, Mirage OM200 sub, Omnisat Micros x 5, homemade speaker cables, Dell Axim 51v remote
#72379 - 01/02/07 10:46 AM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 01/02/07
Posts: 2
Loc: Fall City, WA
This happened to me last night.
About my set up: I run HDTV DirecTV (H20) box into the Outlaw via a HDMI--DVI cable into DVI 1, and output DVI from the 1070 into my Samsung DLP TV. Audio is via optical cable from the DirecTV box into Optical 1. This setup shows as "DVD" on the 1070. I have an xbox 360 connected directly into the VGA input on the TV, but run optical audio to the Optical 3 input of the 1070. The only other thing hooked up to the 1070 is an almost never-used cd player via analog cables. I control it all using a Harmony 880 remote.
I've had my 1070 for about 14 months now, with no problems. My wife swears this happened once before, but I can't remember. If it did, it was fixed by turning off the 1070 and then turning it back on again.
Anyway...My wife had been watching DirecTV all day yesterday with no problem. She turned it off via the remote, which shuts down the Outlaw, the TV, and the DirecTV box. About an hour later, I turned on the Xbox 360 via the Harmony remote -- this powers on the TV, the Xbox 360, and the Outlaw 1070. No sound. First thing I did was check all of the cables, which were all fine. I noticed that the volume control on the remote AND on the front panel of the 1070 did not do anything, it did not change the volume displayed on the 1070. And no sound at all. Switched to AM/FM and other inputs, nothing. Put it in standby, turned off the main power and unplugged it. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and tried again. Still no sound, and no volume control. Video switching and other menu functions appeared to be working fine. Hooked up the DirecTV box audio via analog cables to Video 4, cycled power and inputs probably 10-15 more times -- still no sound.
Ok. Came here and read this thread and figured "well at least I am not the only one". ;-) Downloaded the firmware update and applied it. It went through the motions and said it was successfully applied. But it wasn't "taking". The problem persisted and it seemed like my settings were all still there. Applied the update like two more times. Both times it said it completed successfully...but still no sound.
At this point I am really starting to pull my hair out and trying to remember what I did with the box and thinking what a pain it was going to be to ship the behemoth back, hehe.
Read something else on here (maybe in another thread) about a "system reset" (i.e. pressing mute and menu at the same time, etc.), and found that procedure in the owners manual. Did a system reset and still no sound. Did another system reset, and then applied the firmware upgrade....and...I have sound again.
Maybe it was just random but the key step seems to have been to do the manual system reset BEFORE applying the software update. This wasn't clear (at least not to me) in the update instructions.
At any rate, this was my experience -- I tried to put down as much detail as possible to help troubleshoot this thing. Hopefully it doesn't happen again!
#72380 - 01/02/07 12:20 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Registered: 12/28/06
Posts: 278
Loc: Outside Phila.
I've had the No Volume bug w/ the xbox360. I have Xbox wired in video-wise w/ the components into the outlaw 1070 DVD input, and components up to my Aquos. I have the xbox linked in via optical 1.
Sometimes when I turn on Xbox, the 1070, and my TV, I get sound at first. But if I'm using the xbox to play a dvd movie, the sound will sometimes stop. this will occur in such a way that I'll get no sound once the movie is started. I resolve it by changing the mode on the remote, to say, Video 1 (which has nothing plugged into it.) And then switching back to DVD. Works every time.
Last night I saw for the first time the no control over volume problem. I was screwing around trying to hook up an old Raite DVD player that I wanted to use as a quiet CD player (i hate the xbox fan noise.) I was running just sound from the SPDIF (coax) on the Raite to Coax 2 on the 1070. I was configuring Video 2 manually to Coax 2 via the 1070 menu. In the process of doing that, I realized I couldn't control the volume on the 1070. Not w/ the remote. Not manually. But if I'd switch back to DVD mode, I was fine. I think it may have something to do with a bad setup.
Either way, I failed miserably to get any sound out of Coax 2, much to my disapppointment. I'm going to try the Raite on my Yamaha and see if my problem is the 1070, or the old DVD player.
Model 1070 Toshiba HD-A35 & Pioneer BDP-51 Tivo Series 3 Elite 50" / Aquos 32" Squeezebox Radio
Stereo Setup: NAD C326BEE (50Wx2) Elite DV-47Ai Universal SACD/DVD-A Citypulse DA7.2x II + TXCO DAC B&W 685s JL Fathom F112 Denon AH-D2000 Headphones
#72381 - 01/02/07 01:31 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Registered: 11/21/06
Posts: 45
Loc: Regina, Canada
Seems like I spoke too soon. I encountered this over the weekend. It happend trying to play a simple CD (Arcam CD73T - analog outputs) and the fix was to simply switch the audio input in the CD config screen away from analog and back again.
Also had a problem with monochrome video from my Pioneer DV46-AV player until I rebooted the 1070. Everything is computerized these days!!!
Also installed my last two speakers in my 7.1 system (Omnisat Micros except for the two fronts) and during the channel config the tone wouldn't switch to the appropriate speaker reliably. Eventually it did but there was no rhyme or reason to it.
This breadth of problems in what should be a fairly simple system (no cablebox, not xbox, no DVI connections) is somewhat worrisome. Having dealt with the vagaries of technology for many years I'm not too upset but consumer devices should just work flawlessly. I'm always amazed that ANYONE can actually continue to have a working computer for more than a week or two. This should not be the case for my stereo.
Having said all that, I love the sound and features and I'll live with the issues as long as they don't continue to multiply.
1070, Arcam CD73T, Pioneer DV46-AV, Project Xpression-Grado Red-NAD PP2, Monster HT1600, Wharfedale 8.3 Diamond, Mirage OM200 sub, Omnisat Micros x 5, homemade speaker cables, Dell Axim 51v remote
#72382 - 01/07/07 01:17 AM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 11/16/06
Posts: 11
Scott and Steve at Outlaw have been working with me to try to resolve my problems with no audio, etc. (see my previous posts, above). It's so great to be able to call Outlaw's toll-free number and get right through to people who are really knowledgeable about their products.
We've pretty much exhausted all the "easy fixes", including updating the firmware with a beta version they sent me, so I'm now awaiting delivery of a replacement unit. The Outlaws have been wonderful to work with, going above and beyond what I would have expected to get me a properly-functioning 1070.
By the way, they would have been perfectly willing for me to just return my receiver under the 30-day money-back guarantee. But I like the sound of the 1070 so much that I'm really reluctant to give up on it!
#72383 - 02/05/07 11:46 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Registered: 02/05/07
Posts: 16
Loc: Torrington, CT
I seem to be in the same no audio situation as PROPUP had. While I've had the intermittent no audio when just turned on and could resolve it by switching inputs up and back, now I have none at all. The Volume knob doesn't change the -db level, the remote functions all work except Vol up/down. Did the Beta update sucessfully, still no audio. If I move the Vol knob during the first second or two after turn on, the -db level will change, but no audio output. Emails sent to support, hoping to hear from someone tomorrow.
#72384 - 02/06/07 01:47 AM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 11/23/06
Posts: 10
Loc: Los Angeles
mlevinedc, for me I can switch between inputs or can switch to different tv channel if I'm watching tv...with the new beta firmware. I do still experience intermittent no audio issue. I have dishnetwork with hd channel packages...using dishnetwork vp211 hd receiver....ocassionally I do get intermittent no audio on some of the hd channels--espnhd, discoveryhd, equitorhd, rushhd.
#72385 - 02/06/07 01:58 AM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 11/23/06
Posts: 10
Loc: Los Angeles
ocassionally I do get intermittent no audio on some of the hd channels but forgot to mention this. with the January 2007 Beta firmware for the av1070, it seem the intermittent of no audio is much better(lesser intermittent) then the previous firmware(ot1070_020906.hex.
#72386 - 02/11/07 03:47 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Registered: 02/05/07
Posts: 16
Loc: Torrington, CT
Since having spoken with Steve (after installing the Beta), I set the defaults, then customized my settings. The Audio returned and worked fine for the past 6 days without a glitch. This afternoon, I turn on the 1070, my cable box, then my DLP projector, I get video, no audio - again frozen. If I push the up/dn audio control on the remote or rotate the vol control, no change on the OSD or menu, yet changing betw input sources, I note a change in -db readings corresponding to the approximate change expected but no audio out.
This is becoming very frustrating.
Mark Levine, D.C
#72387 - 02/12/07 08:33 AM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Registered: 02/05/07
Posts: 16
Loc: Torrington, CT
As further follow-up. I reset the unit, powered off, powered on, and reloaded the Beta firmware once again. Set the defaults, still locks up at POST, no audio -25db.
#72388 - 02/12/07 11:32 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 11/16/06
Posts: 11
Mark - Your problems mirror mine almost exactly. The January update worked great for me for a couple weeks, then everything went to heck for no apparent reason. Almost the same symptoms as yours. And it's happened twice now. I finally loaded a beta update for the 970 that was sent to me in error, and oddly it seems to be working quite well. at least for the now 
#72389 - 02/13/07 03:41 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Registered: 02/05/07
Posts: 16
Loc: Torrington, CT
I've been instructed to remove the unit from the A/C power source overnight. I've done so but have yet to turn it on.
#72390 - 02/13/07 06:41 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Registered: 02/05/07
Posts: 16
Loc: Torrington, CT
I've had the 1070 unplugged since last night. Powered it up, still no audio. Tried to do a reset, loaded the Beta again, reset the defaults, no audio.
What I find strange is the default audio level is -25db, if a turn the vol control or use the up/dn vol on the remote, while the OSD/menu shows no response, if I change between sources, the audio does not return but the audio level on the OSD/menu changes.
14" of snow coming and I can't watch a movie,,,well I can watch but will have to lip read.
#72391 - 02/13/07 07:33 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Deputy Gunslinger
Registered: 11/16/06
Posts: 11
I have had exactly the same issues you describe when using the Jan update. As I recall, I first had problems with the unit not getting past the opening message when I switched it on. And from then on, the 1070 responded to some commands (like changing sources) but the indicated volume level seemed "stuck" and there was no audio output no matter what I tried.
This has happened to me twice and I can't remember exactly everything I tried, but I was able to get it working again by loading a different of the firmware. Maybe the fact that I used a different version both times made a difference?
#72392 - 02/16/07 10:49 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Registered: 01/01/07
Posts: 23
Loc: Normal, IL
I'm just reading everyone's posts on this. I just had this problem (with everything that everyone is saying here). I've had the 1070 hooked up for about 7 weeks now and did not have any major problems until I connected my new Wii video game. It is connected via component video and analog audio. We played it for about 4 days, then the no audio problems started. I talked with Steve at Outlaw and he suggested the firmware update before we try any other troubleshooting. I am going to load the firmware tomorrow, so I'll post again once I see what happens. I'm hoping this will fix all the issues as I too really, REALLY enjoy the sound this produces. I really didn't know what I was missing until I got this, but I don't want to deal with problems all the time either. 
Outlaw 976 Outlaw 7075 OPPO BDP-93 Mitsubishi LaserVue L75 Legacy Audio Whispers, Marquis, Decos, Studio HDs, and Metro sub Blue Jeans Cable cables
#72393 - 03/17/07 05:49 PM
Re: No Volume control on 1070
Registered: 02/05/07
Posts: 16
Loc: Torrington, CT
Just as a follow up, I removed all of the inputs and was about to send the unit in when I decided to turn it on one last time. The unit ran it's self check and seemed to be fine. I started adding one input every week and still haven't found what locked the unit up as described above. While everything seemed fine, I had no reason to do calibrations or tweaks until today. Now I no OSD. I've taken that to another thread and opened a support ticket as I think I've tried everything I could think of.
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