Last week I did a cost based anylisist on the most cost effective way to hear the higher frequencies in music.
A trip to the VA center to have my hearing checked, confirmed that I do indeed have severe loss of hearing at higher frequency's. ( no amount of money spent buying cables etc would help )
This week I recieved my hearing aids.
Initial response was, gee I can har much better now. After a few more hours, my wifes voice became so anoying to the point of taking them out. Before her accusations of, " You never listen to me " changed to ," I'm not yelling at you ! " promted me to only wear my hearing aids when she's not around.
It will take time to adjust the levels on the hearing aids to where me and my wife will both be satisfied.
Back in my younger years I would have adjusted her instead, now everythings turned around upside down.