What I find humorous about myself and other people I know, I hate every ‘new’ remote out of the box.
It’s always a nasty affair getting used to it, and thinking ‘now why could it not handle X like the last one did’, (which by that point and with familiarity seems a more intuitive setup whether it was my latest aftermarket or unit supplied old remote).
It really is (for me) functionality ‘learned or adapted’ to, with time. I’ve always have some moments out of the box, where I liked several features on the old remote better, and some features I like instantly on the new. (Ex: Joystick variations, - when well implemented were a refreshing and novel change to unit supplied remotes).
EVERY single time I handle a new one, there appear countless things wrong and workarounds and live with’s, which take mind-set adjustments to tolerate. BUT by the time I go on to the next model remote. It’s ALWAYS, (grump,grump) now “Why doesn’t it do at least this feature or two, - like that last one did”, situation.

Closest, I have ever come to loving any remote, after some sticky learning curve moments was my Sony LCD Commander, which I have not have time to adapt and train, (its laying dead and dormant right now). I’ll try to see soon if I can stand it on its head and make it do its thing, - with all the new purchases.

When I get to it, I’ll be the one scrounging in ‘search’ for everyone’s expertise and labor, on what you’ve encountered so far.