Since this is a public service announcement of considerable import I'm taking the liberty of posting it here in addition to the Favorite Demo board in hopes of enlightening the widest possible audience.......

Since painstakingly selecting the 1050 and an array of quality speakers, followed by installing and calibrating the system a couple months ago my wife's attitude toward the wondrous setup had not increased much above a combination of skepticism and resignation before last weekend. This, in spite of hitting her with every CD and DVD I could think of that could conceivably boost her attitude up to true enthusiasm. Then recently I happened to put on Fantasia 2000, hoping merely to enjoy the music with her. This DVD contains the famous Sourcer's Apprentice sequence from the original Fantasia, starring none other than Mickey Mouse himself. During one scene he leaves the room where most of the action takes place and scurries around the sourceror's castle looking for something, and talks to himself in the process. As he scurries about the castle his searching and comments are heard distinctly, first from the left rear, then the right rear, and finally he returns to the center channel as he re-enters the main room to re-join the sourceror. Upon hearing this little sequence my wife sat up and uttered this...and I quote..."OK, now that's neat!". For those of you who can identify, and for those of you who can only imagine, these words marked a breakthrough the likes of which absolutely nothing else had been able to accomplish. In the end it was little Mickey who did the deed. Since then I've actually heard her voluntarily tell at least 3 girlfriends about us having a HT system, and she even mentions the subwoofer in spite of probably not having any idea what we have it for. And I feel like I'm completely vindicated, now, if for no other reason than spending a ridiculous amount of money to make Mickey Mouse come to life. Get or at least rent the DVD. It could change your life. (It also has the potential added benefit of suggesting that one's taste includes true musical classics and sensitivies not apparent in what some wives skeptically refer to as "men's movies".)
