:rolleyes: Don't laugh but I truly believe in "don't fix it if it aint broke!" That said, I've been running a set of Naim Audio speaker cable (still in business) with Space & Time connectors (probably no longer in business) for about 17 years. Surprisingly enough, these cables still look and sound great particularly through the Logan's. It also took me that long to own a set of Logan's but that's another story. I've ran these cables through all sorts of speakers over the years but this is best they've ever sounded.

For some unknown reason I decided to give another cable a try so I ordered the Blue Jean Canare 4S11 for my fronts and center. On first listen I was pretty disappointed (FLAT) with their performance but remained optimistic and let them ride. After two weeks of critical listening (i.e. two channel/surround music with CD & SACD and movies) these cables are just not the best for my system. The Logan's efficiency have a way of weeding out and making known any unwanted player in your system.

But don't let my misfortune (no pun intended laugh ) discourage the use or potential purchase of this cable. For the money, these are very well made and good looking cables that I'm certain will sound better in a different setup. In fact I'll sell you mine for $20 (2-8' cables no connectors).
Dedicated HT 15Wx24Dx12H
Outlaw 7700/990
Pioneer Elite DV-79AVi
Panasonic AE900U
ML Aeon i
ML Cinema i
ML Descent
Monitor Audio Bronze
Panamax 5400-EX
Da-Lite 120" Fixed Screen
...and allot of goodies in between

EJ\'s Home Theater