Roy Scheider Passes

Posted by: Videodrome

Roy Scheider Passes - 02/11/08 03:18 PM

Since this has become the de facto movie board, it is with sadness that I report Roy Scheider died over the weekend; he was 75.

Though best known for Jaws, many of his best works were from the same period (1970s) and included some of my favorite movies: The French Connection, Marathon Man, Sorcerer and the Seven-ups. If you've never seen the Seven-ups, do yourself a favor and track down a copy of this DVD. It is the quintessential 70s cop movie -- gritty, action-packed and believable (as opposed to the Die Hard, Beverly Hills Cop, etc. movies of today) It also has a car chase that is as good or better than the chase scene in Bullitt.

R.I.P. Roy!
Posted by: tmdlp

Re: Roy Scheider Passes - 02/11/08 05:29 PM

i have a hard time turing off blue thunder when it comes on tv.

Roy; Thanks for the moments in TV and movies....