Where's that S-Video cable from Outlaw??

Posted by: daddy_guy

Where's that S-Video cable from Outlaw?? - 06/30/03 09:29 PM

I know I've seen it dicussed a little before, and Gonk mentioned it again it a recent reply, but what is the very latest, up to the minute news on an Outlaw S-Video cable (super deluxe build, of course...) for us "old timers" still out there...
just get the connectors right...solid, heavy duty, etc..... all the things I wish I have seen with most of my old previous S-Video cables connectors...(excepting of course the ones that cost as much as a small automobile...)Also the ones I couldn't bear to pay for......
Well Outlaws, when will it be ready for purchase????
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Posted by: gonk

Re: Where's that S-Video cable from Outlaw?? - 06/30/03 11:49 PM

I actually asked this very question just last week in an e-mail to Outlaw. While there was nothing definite (I suspect that the bulk of Outlaw's new product focus in recent months has been on projects like the RR2150 and the sub and the new equipment racks), it sounded like we might be hearing some more about the s-video cables in the next month or two.

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