Looking for Headphone Recommendations

Posted by: 73Bruin

Looking for Headphone Recommendations - 12/26/08 06:40 PM

I have a 1050 and am looking to get a set of headphones for quiet time listening in the living room (primarily for movies). I would like to use the 1050's headphone output to automatically switch off the speakers and a cable extension to reach my seating position.

I am thinking of either a Grado RS80 or RS125 or possibly either the Sennheiser HD-555/HD-595. My daugher uses the Grado iphones (similar to the RS60) which are okay but lacking in the sound stage.

Does anyone have any experience running these through the 1050 or another Outlaw product? I really do not want to have to outlay the cash for a headphone amp at this point in time.

Finally, when I eventually get around to replacing my 1050, I was wondering if the Dolby Headphone feature really work when watching movies.
Posted by: bestbang4thebuck

Re: Looking for Headphone Recommendations - 12/27/08 03:31 PM

First, there are many sites on the web offering headphone reviews, advice and sometimes sales. IMHO, one of the better no-nonsense sites for this is simply http://www.headphone.com/

After scouring several review sites and comparing results with my goals, which included a high priority for keeping fatigue low during listening for hours on end, reasonably low weight and good comfort, plus, of course, a good balance of reproduction for several purposes while being gentle on the wallet, I chose the BeyerDynamic DT231’s.
Posted by: BadLikeJesseJames

Re: Looking for Headphone Recommendations - 12/27/08 04:21 PM

I have a pair of the Sennheiser HD-595's. Since I work nights most of the time my schedule has made these headphones a necessity on my days off. I've watched many movies with these things on my head and yes, the Dolby Headphone feature works remarkably well.

But do yourself a favor, take bestbangs's lead and go out there. Gather all the information you can and test drive what you can.
Posted by: Primaz

Re: Looking for Headphone Recommendations - 12/27/08 09:45 PM

I really do not listen anymore to headphones but when I did and I still have a pair; I highly recommend AKG. I think they sound better in my opinion to Sennheiser's. The model would depend on your budget.
Posted by: 73Bruin

Re: Looking for Headphone Recommendations - 12/28/08 04:56 AM

Thanks for the feedback thus far. To summarize to my points, it appears if the Outlaw line of receivers and preamps in general can adequately drive most headphones including the Sennheiser's and Grado as well as at least some AKG and BeyerDynamics models.

A question about headphone imaging that possibly relates to Primaz not listening to headphones any more. When I was younger and my world was stereo only, I listened to Dalhquist speakers that whatever else their faults, imaged wonderfully. I remember being able to almost point to specific instruments in the sound stage. My current NHT's don't image nearly as well but are adequate for my current needs which are centered on video. The thing that I don't like about the headphones that I have listened to thus far (the iGrado's and a pair of high quality in the ear Shures) is that they don't have any sound stage. In the case of the iGrado's it seems that all of the instruments are in a point in the center of my head. The Sennheisers image somewhat better, but there is no front to back. Singers seem to be on the top of my head and specific instruments were on the right or left but seldom in the middle.

My question from all of that, is that the experience I am likely to receive from all headphones regardless of manufacturer or type? If so, I am more than likely to drop the whole idea. I am also clueless how headphones can provide directionality using Dolby Headphones, it they can't provide depth in a stereo image.
Posted by: Primaz

Re: Looking for Headphone Recommendations - 01/05/09 06:47 AM

Ages ago when I was but a kid I was forced to use headphones and used the AKG's but now that it is my house the home theater 7.1 surround sound rules the house and to me anyone else in your household should use the headphones but not you? I assume you are the head of the household, let the others use headphones if they want smile
Posted by: tkntz

Re: Looking for Headphone Recommendations - 01/05/09 04:56 PM

Has anyone had much experience with so called "5.1" surround headphones? They sound like gimmickry to me and they're pretty pricey.
Posted by: Jason J

Re: Looking for Headphone Recommendations - 01/06/09 12:25 AM

I run Grado SR80's through a 1050 and really enjoy the sound. They have a very full sound that's very much on the warm sound.