Is the sum worth more than its parts?


Is the sum worth more than its parts? - 01/13/07 07:41 AM

If I have a 1070 receiver or a 990 preamp and I have 3 separate Aragon amps, (4004/4004/8008) which all put out 200 watts per channel into l/r. Can I distribute these into speakers l/r, sl/sr, sbl/sbr and buy a 2200 M amp for the center channel to have all 7 speakers connected at 200 watts each?

What are the benefits? What are the detriments?

I already have two preamps; are these necessary with the 990 or 1070?

I currently own two Aragon amps and I would have to spend about $875.00 for an additional Aragon amp and the Outlaw 2000 M amp, which would be less than $2000.00 for another 7700.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Posted by: gonk

Re: Is the sum worth more than its parts? - 01/13/07 09:48 AM

The three stereo amps and a monoblock would work fine for a 7.1 system with either a 990 or a 1070 (or a 970, for that matter). You would just connect the pre-amp outputs to the four amps (use one Aragon amp for the fronts, one for the side surrounds, one for the rear surrounds, and the M200 for the center) and then hook up the speakers. There's be no need for additional pre-amps.

Re: Is the sum worth more than its parts? - 01/13/07 02:26 PM

Gonk - Thanks for answering all of my questions. You are an invaluable resource...and so prompt!