my take on HE 2006

Posted by: rmilewsk

my take on HE 2006 - 06/04/06 01:43 AM

I made it to the second floor of the hotel and scrambled into the outlaw room. On the map they had one of the biggest areas at the show. The room looked alot smaller in person. I asked Scott about it and he said "we have the room next door for the demo"

While I was waiting for the demo I pestered him with questions. He told me about the new lfm1+ which can go down to 15hz!! The new sub has more amp power and two ports on the bottom which can be plugged. The ports made a cool squinch and popping sound when he removed the plug. We also discussed the bass crossover settings on the 990. I was going to shock him with the analog and digital bass crossover info that they now have on their web site. But when he told me he had written it I figured I wouldn't be shocking him. There other new product is a 7200 amplifier. Just like the 7700 amp it has 7 x 200 watts of power but it only has unbalanced connections. It looked to be about the same width and depth as the 7700 but not quite as high.

I went into the demo room and they showed a scene from "the core" which they admitted was a bad movie. I agree. The sound was awesome though. With four of the lfm +'s in the room the ground was shaking like an earthquake. I wish they would have played some music and chosen a better movie.

I met Peter and talked with him a little bit at the end of the demo.

After meeting both Scott and Peter in person I can say that I am impressed with how knowledgable and nice they are. Good job guys. Keep it up.

I'm proud to be an OUTLAW.
Posted by: gonk

Re: my take on HE 2006 - 06/04/06 08:16 AM

Thanks for the info on the port plug, rmilewsk - it sounds like you'll plugging one port (I assume just one, as the other subs I've heard about using port plugs have typically left one port open) at the same time you switch the sub to the "bass extension" mode. As for the demo, they actually seem to have something of a tradition of avoiding blockbusters or "traditional" demo movies for their show demos - past selections have included Flight of the Phoenix and Vertical Limit.