Loud electrical buzz from speakers....

Posted by: john226

Loud electrical buzz from speakers.... - 09/23/07 07:26 PM

Last night while watching TV I accidentally leaned on the remote and it triggered a loud, electrical buzzing sound from my speakers. Fortunately, I was able to turn everything off quickly, and there was no damage done. I am running an optical connecton from my plasma directly to the 970 video 1 input.

Have only had the 970 for a month or so..... something like this occured before when running the speaker pink noise test mode the loud buzzing noise came from the right front speaker. I don't run the test mode often, so I'm not so worried about that, but this other event is concerning.

Even though I have the latest firmware, I still get the no sound problem once in a while, but that is something I can live with.

Anyone have any thoughts about this loud buzzing sound?