just my thoughts

Posted by: mark miller

just my thoughts - 07/18/07 10:25 AM

I got the sms-1 hooked up and just started getting everything working (tones,graph,etc.)and moved the entertainment center back in place and no sub! Well had to go to the state of washington the next day for a couple of months so i just took it all apart and leave it the way it was. While disconnecting the sms-1 noticed the sub cable worked loose.(S**T). Happy 4th, i'm back. Recived new materials while gone for making sound panels. Built them, mounted them, and they took care of another problem of things falling off the walls in bathroom behind sound system. Finally got the sms-1 up and running and what a big difference! Got it FLATTENED like a pancake! By the way im just rattling a little because it seems like the forums are a little sparce lately. New motto: no problems, only solutions. Missed-u-all.
Posted by: gonk

Re: just my thoughts - 07/18/07 11:41 AM

Glad to hear that the SMS-1 is working for you, Mark. It's a nifty piece of hardware.