No frills video displays

Posted by: XenonMan

No frills video displays - 05/12/10 08:39 AM

Is anyone aware of an manufacturer which makes a No frills version of its display? I want a big display but I don't need speakers or a tuner or PIP.
Posted by: gonk

Re: No frills video displays - 05/12/10 10:28 AM

I recall both Pioneer and Panasonic building commercial versions of their plasmas (Pioneer now in the past tense, alas) that omitted speakers and some other features. They were frequently very popular options. As far as I know, Panasonic is still doing that, although I haven't looked into it recently. That's probably the only way to get a speaker-free unit, though, and I don't know that there's a cost benefit - the commercial displays tended to be very good quality, often with some extra (or easier) access to advanced adjustments, but they generally weren't cheaper.
Posted by: XenonMan

Re: No frills video displays - 05/12/10 08:47 PM

You are correct so far about the cost not being a factor. So far I haven't found a $$$ advantage.
Posted by: bestbang4thebuck

Re: No frills video displays - 05/26/10 08:31 PM

I do think it's going to be tough finding a display that costs $100 less because they left out something you don't need, like in-monitor amplification and speakers, when, for so many average consumers, in-monitor audio is a must-have ... even if they don't use it, "Buy a TV without speakers? No way!"

On the other hand, why pay for hype you don't need? Here's one man's opinion (in five parts):

"Display Myths Shattered: How Monitor & HDTV Companies Cook Their Specs"