Winter 2004 Newsletter

Posted by: Scott

Winter 2004 Newsletter - 11/13/04 11:44 PM

Dear Fellow Outlaw:

This month we're approaching the newsletter a little bit differently than we have in the past. First, our email blast will be broken into two parts. Part I will consist of a brief status update on our new products. Part II will consist of a "Virtual Show" in light of the Home Entertainment 2004 San Francisco Show's cancellation. For those of you who would like to skip the pleasantries and get right to the "facts", please visit

Part I

Unfortunately, as you now know, the Home Entertainment Show in San Francisco was cancelled. Though we sincerely regret the lost opportunity to meet with the many new faces of Outlaws as well as some of our old friends in the Bay Area, we've decided to bring the Home Entertainment "Virtual" Show to your email inbox. Before all is said and done, you'll have an opportunity to check out our demos, take part in our Show Specials, and even have a chance to bring home one of our Show Attendee tschatskas. The best part is you won't have to wait in any of the lines, but you do have to sit through our demos!

Before we get started on the "Virtual Show", there are a few updates that are better served in our more traditional newsletter format.

Model 1070

The shipments of our first fully functional 1070 Receiver samples were LOST by the international freight forwarder. These units were not found or delivered to Boston until Friday afternoon November 5th! As you can imagine, they never would have made the trip to San Francisco in time for the "poke and prod scrutiny" you would have liked to perform. for those of you who don't recall, or were not part of the Outlaw Family at the time, the 1070 is a full featured 7 x 65 watt per channel surround receiver with DVI switching. While we'd love to share more about the 1070's features, we've learned our lessons from previous projects and we're going to hold off until we get a little bit closer. We just don't want to be accused of trying to reel anyone in before we can actually deliver this unit.

Now that the 1070 samples are actually here (and we're not really in San Francisco), we'd like to provide a brief update as to the "what and when's" of the much anticipated successor to our original 1050.

While we're very excited about the 1070, both in features and in performance, we are very disappointed to announce that due to normal production delays, prototypes that went missing for almost two weeks, and a handful of software glitches, the reality is that we will miss our original estimated release date of late December. However, we've mobilized Peter and he'll be in Asia next week to firm things up for late January production. We do remain committed to a price under $1000. And, considering the samples we're working with now, we KNOW we've got another winner on our hands!

Model RR2150

The RR 2150 Stereo Receiver will also be in production during the month of January. Though we were bringing out a fully functional sample and a set of monitors for a quick music demo, you'll just have to take our word until January that this little receiver has it all; great looks and a whole lotta soul!

Model 790

Work on the 790 continues, and like our other amplifier offerings, we have no doubt that this 7 x 300 watt power amplifier will best similar amps in its respective price range. Shipments of the Model 790 are expected to begin sometime in January.


Contemporaneous with the release of our 1070 and 2150 receivers and 790 power amplifier, we will release our DVI, DVI-HDMI, and XLR cables. Like the PCA, PSC and other Outlaw Cable offerings presently available, these new offerings will provide superb build quality, excellent performance without the cost prohibitive pricing of the boutique guys.

The second half of this month's newsletter is dedicated to a "Virtual Trade Show". In light of the Home Entertainment 2004 Show cancellation, we thought it would be fun to do a "virtual" show where Scott would perform the same show presentation he would have done in San Francisco!

Part II-The Virtual Show

"Hello everyone, welcome to the Outlaw Audio room! My name is Scott and I'll be running today's demos. Before we get started, I'd like to thank Atlantic technology for the use of their System 8200 surround sound speaker packages as well as Stewart Film Screen and Dwin Electronics for providing the beautiful video you'll see here today!

My first demonstration is a short clip we did for our friends at the New York show back in May. It's a real subwoofer workout, where you'll least expect it…The Chinese Restaurant scene in Freaky Friday courtesy of Disney DVD."

(For those following along at home cue up Chapter 3)

Lights dim, demo begins…

quiet family restaurant scene…


Back to quiet restaurant scene…lights raise

"Our next demo is from Master and Commander courtesy of 20th Century Fox. In this demo, you'll hear not only the depth and power of our LFM subwoofer, but you'll also get an amazing sense of environment as both ships are tossed back and forth in this great battleship chase scene."

(For those following along at home cue up chapter four)

Lights dim, demo begins…

High seas and the thrill of the Acheron chase captures the audience's imagination…

The demo room and our guests become one with the stormy scene (special thanks to head Outlaw Peter, and his trusty ocean mist spray bottle)

Lights raise…towels handed out

"Well, we hope you enjoyed the demo's and we will be around to answer any questions you might have?(slight interruption from audience)?Oh music? Sure, we'll we dim the lights and turn off the projector and listen to the closing credits from Hidalgo from Touchstone Pictures. It will show off the precision of our decoding, the power of our amplifiers and the truly appropriate use of a subwoofer."

(For those following along at home, turn off your display when listening to the final credits of Hidalgo.)

Lights dim, demo begins…

The dynamic, sweeping score encompasses the room…

The audience is brought to tears…

Lights raise…

"That my friends is what it's all about?Oh, of course, I almost forgot. The Show Specials! Since we had hoped to have the 1070 ready to ship by the end of December and it looks like we're going to miss that date, we've put together some special packaging pricing on the 950/amp and 950/amp/LFM combos that are just too good to pass up. But before I announce them, I should mention that the Model 950 has just received yet another Editor's Choice Award. This time, from The Perfect Vision, proving once again that the Model 950 is THE best budget-priced, performance processor available today.

The following prices will be good through the remainder of November:

Combo SHOW
950/7100 $1,498.00
950/755 $1,898.00
950/770 $2,248.00
950/7100/LFM $1,997.00
950/7100/2 x LFM $2,396.00
950/755/LFM $2,397.00
950/755/2 x LFM $2,796.00
950/770/LFM $2,722.00
950/770/2 x LFM $3,046.00

As an added bonus (the Show Attendee tschatskas): anyone who buys any Outlaw Audio product over $499 between now and the end of the month qualifies for a free Outlaw Audio CD Wallet. Purchases over $749 qualify for a free Outlaw Audio CD Wallet and a 1.2m PSSV cable!

The "small print" for these promotions can be found at the following URL:

Well that concludes our today's demo. We'll be around for a few minutes to answer any questions you might have. Please take a product literature kit before you leave. There's information from all of the manufacturers you heard and seen today. Thanks again for coming and we look forward to hearing from your soon!"

Best Regards,

Scott (Your Virtual Show Maestro)