digital locking problem

Posted by: master_blaster

digital locking problem - 09/30/02 08:39 PM

I have a directivo like some do and find the delay most annoying. I have tried to lock it to PCM, but that does not help in the delay. Is there a way to get the 950 to skip the delay that seems to be related to the auto-detect (but still happens when supposibly "locked")?

The lock itself seems to be working since I can lock it to something that is not playing, and I will never get sound. I just want to get rid of that delay.

I know that the problem is with the dtivo, when there is no audio output (pause, menus, etc), it stops outputting a signal altogether (no light on optical).

However my yamaha receiver didn't pause like the 950 does when resuming. I would have thought that locking the format would get rid of the autodect delay.

I can't use the analog outputs like some do because they do not work on my dtivo and I think it is out of warranty.

Any suggestions?