Somewhere in one of these threads months ago there was a discussion about what "hi-fi" magazines we liked. I can't find it so I thought I would post this here.
Julian Hirsch passed away on November 24, 2003. Do any of you remember him from years of reporting at "Stereo Review?" It was those years of reading his test reports that got me so deeply into this hobby. He was just like an Outlaw, wanted simple meaningful and objective facts about hi-fi equipment. He was against "gimmicks or fads that add to the consumer's cost without a corresponding improvement in the quality of sound. Exaggerated or unfounded claims. The sacrifice of reliability or other desirable characteristics to achieve merchandising advantage ..."-Sound & Vision Magazine. This sounds like the definition of an Outlaw. And just like other Outlaws, he was despised and criticized by others in the field. I own my Outlaw equipment partially due to the knowledge I learned over the years reading Julian's test reports and column. I missed him when he retired from the magazine, but now I feel a part of me is gone with his passing.