My daughter gave me her old Roku player. I decided it was time to use the DVI ports on my 970. Here is what I have done.

Oppo DVD HDMI out to DVI input 1 w/opt cable for audio.

Roku HDMI out to DVI input 2 w/opt cable for audio.

970 DVI out to Accell Ultra video 4-2 A/V switch HDMI source input 1

Accell Ultra video 4-2 A/V switch monitor A to TV and monitor B to the projector

The problem is… The Roku works perfectly on both monitors (using video 2 on the 970). When I select DVD on the 970 I have audio but no video. I have also tried selecting video 1 thinking the DVI input may not work through the DVD selection (not likely the problem)

Before the changes I was running composite video from the oppo to the 970 and HDMI from the oppo direct to the projector. Worked fine…

Any thoughts??
