Hey all,

I hooked my M-audio sound card via a 35 ft. Accell diagital coax cable to the 1070. I had to send my Denon DVD-3930ci out for service as the 2nd laser is bad. Denon is taking way too long to return the unit so I am now using the music on my PC to listen to. The sound quality is pretty good IMHO. The output level is a little low so I have to turn the volume up some.

I am using Winamp with the DFX DSP on top. I raise the dynamics and bass to level 2 and that helps the ouput.

Does anyone else here use their computer as a front end source? I want to know what you think and how to get the best sound.

Outlaw 1070, Anthem MCA5 II amp.
Sony Ps3
Alon 2 Mk2 Loudspeakers
HSU VTF-2 Mk2 sub x2
VAC PA100/100 Tube Amp
ARC SP16-L tube Preamp
Audio Note Dac 2.1 "B" signature
Furutech E-TP80,
Ascend HTM-200, 340C
Sony KDS-55A2020