The MSRP for the 410V is listed as $99 at Pioneer's site (see this link , so the sale price isn't terribly "sale" like (although the no sales tax is nice). Since everybody seems to have it at $99 too, though, I think you may have found the best place to get it.

A player upgrade will only benefit you if it offers better scaling and deinterlacing than your Infocus and better MPEG decoding than your current player. There's no mention of the scaling solution being used by the Pioneer. There's a fair chance that it's a Mediatek chip (Pioneer's used them before and Mediatek supports USB), but that's not guaranteed. The fact that they don't specify the scaler/deinterlacer does mean that it's almost certainly a single chip similar to the Mediatek that's handling everything (MPEG decoding, audio decoding, deinterlacing, and scaling). The player is new enough to market that I can't find much on its performance - it appears to be hitting stores just this month.

Compared to your Toshiba (which is probably comparable to the SD1600 that we used in the bedroom until earlier this year), the Pioneer would almost certainly be an upgrade for you even without knowing how good the deinterlacing and scaling performance is. If you do want to try a player upgrade while waiting for the Profile 2.0 Blu-ray players to mature, this seems like a pretty decent choice.
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