"Outlaw who". One day I go into an A and B sound store (waiting for my wife in another store). I'm looking at the new Denons. a salesman comes up and starts a conversation. He asks me what I have now, so I tell him. He says "Outlaw who, never heard of them" So I mention that it is an internet direct company. He gets really angry and starts yelling, "you guys buy from the internet and then you call me for help. I can't help you. That is the problem with internet companies, there is no customer support" I don't argue with this guy, just continue to look around. I realize that the saleman has just lost touch with what is going on outside of the store he works in. He did answer one question though, I wondered why a firm like A and B sound was the place to go to in the 70's and 80's. This is where you went for decent equipment. I used to drool when I went in then (no money then!). But now, they appear to going downhill fast - restructuring, more HTIB. I think salesmen will sell the HTIB and consumers will buy them because they just will rely on the corporate marketing and loud pictures on the box (1000 watts). I have been fortunate that when I want to upgrade, someone from work will buy my stuff. One fellow came over once and went from the HTIB to Marantz and ATI. Now he wants to know when I am upgrading. I guess all he had to do was hear the difference without a saleman showing him how "good" a thousand watts sounds like.