I may have a chance at coming into possession of 2 Outlaw 1050 HT Receivers...one was my original and one is a buddy's...IIRC both have succumbed to one channel drop out...
If I am able to get my hands on these is it still worth it to maybe send one back and get them fixed???...can they still even be fixed by sending it/them back???
I'd like to see what condition physically they are but other than dust, I suspect they should be in very nice looking shape...I might like to take the cover off, blow out the dust and perhaps DeOxit the controls but I don't think this is the cause of the channel drop off...and they are old...
One has sat idle and one is being used by the buddy but he reported some time back that the right channel drops out although a rap on the top restores it for a time...
I currently have a small 3.0 system hooked up to a television being powered by a Panasonic SA-XR57 which has more power on paper but I recall my Outlaw equipment being built to a much higher level...my 1070 HT Receiver is still pulling duty in the regular system...
Anything anyone would care to share would be greatly appreciated...I don't suspect many come to this part of the Forum but I hate to just place these curbside and I don't possess the ability to solder or replace caps and such.
Outlaw 1070***3 Klipsch Heresys Across the Front W/Crites CT-125 Tweeters***Klipsch KSP-S6***Oppo BDP-83***Outlaw LFM-1 Plus***
Panasonic SA-XR 57***Klipsch RB-5s***Klipsch RC-3***Outlaw Audio M8***
...Let the Movies and Music Play...