Hey Gonk,

Thanks for all the first hand info. I've learned a lot here and I don't even have the 990 yet. Can't wait, mine should be here Tues, the amps after. Counting the minutes...

I'm going to go with the 980. For $169 it can't be beat. Looking forward to playing with the SACD. I bought enough interconnects to hook it up that way.

I have an old Denon 1500 CD player. Can't wait to hook it up digital out through the 990 and compare it to the Oppo for regular music CDs. Its all good. Thanks again
Outlaw 990
Epson 750HD
Dish Hopper/Joey
Oppo 980 + Panasonic Blu Ray
2 Adcom 5400s + Adcom 6000
B&W P4 Front
JBL studio s center
MTX surrounds
"Tuba 18" sub