We've all driven past a "construction site" that clearly has encountered some kind of problem.

The town next to me has a Lincoln dealer that generally does a good business, but their showroom is ancient and they've had a sign in the window promising "New Showroom Coming Spring of 2014" Coming Soon ??? . For while they revised it to "2015". Now they've scrubbed off the year altogether, the assumption must be that is smarter than updating the sign to say 2016 (or 17 or 18)... { btw there is also this former Arby's that was 99% converted to Hardees that never opened right up the street -- The Hardees that never was apparently the site has some 'water main issues' If that sounds bleak, rest assured that the Audi, Mercedes, Porsche, Lexus and BMW stores right up the street are all fine ...}

My point is "stuff happens". In the case of the car dealer I suspect that it is like many such businesses -- there are ebbs and flows in how much profit they make from used cars and whatever vehicle Matthew McConaughey is driving aimlessly around in ... And more than a little of that ebb flow must make any conservative owners very leary of "betting the farm" on new showroom that may not help the bottom the line...

Outlaw still has LOTS of nice amps, a decent little HDMI prepro, a killer two channel receiver and will LIKELY eventually figure out how to bring a flagship to market...

Edited by renov8r (01/21/16 04:59 PM)