Originally Posted By: XenonMan
We have been through this a few times over the last 3-4 years and when the item goes 6 month past its initial ETA it seems that Outlaw doesn't want to give any news. What happens here is that the loyalists tend to tune the forum out and move on to other equipment of which there is an incredible selection. I love Outlaws customer service and my equipment has been very reliable over the years so that is why I stick. I am unlikely to upgrade my current system until catastrophe strikes so the new processor delay is not an issue for me. I am (like many) very curious to see what Outlaw pulls out of their hat. My concern is that when the other processors went down the tubes there was a lot of silence before the cancellation notice and a lot of re-marketing of Onkyo and Marantz processors.

I don't know where Peter finds the energy. When I'm in my 70's, I intend to be spending my days sailing in the tropics or playing golf with the grand kids. smile The prospect of spending that time in the commercial shark tank we know as China seems rather unappealing.

I think the odds of Outlaw getting their own one-off design to market are slim. Far more likely is another attempt at partnering with a 3rd party to sell an Outlaw branded product...and that means they're at the mercy of that partner's priorities. We know how that worked out last time.

There's plenty of product from a number of large manufacturers (some are even resold here) that are refreshed annually and fall within the price points we've come to expect from Outlaw over the years. I have to wonder how many units Outlaw would have to sell just to break even in such an endeavor....though at this point, perhaps it has become personal. One thing is for sure...there are a number of us "old timers" who are curious to see how it all plays out.

“For small erections may be finished by their first architects; grand ones, true ones, ever leave the copestone to posterity. God keep me from ever completing anything. This whole book is but a draught—nay, but the draught of a draught. Oh, Time, Strength, Cash, and Patience!”

Herman Melville, Moby-Dick

Edited by Ritz2 (01/19/16 09:55 AM)