Candyman, I'm about to do the same thing. I've been waiting and waiting and still waiting some more! There is so much that I like about Outlaw that I'd really like to stick with them, but the reality is they just don't have a product for me right now and I'm ready to upgrade my Pro. The 975 is a nice system but its a far cry from what I'm looking for in a system. I was seriously considering the AV7702, but that is way overkill for what I want. As is the Yamaha CX-A5100 that has just come out. My current HT is just a 5.1 environment and I have no plans (or room) to add more speakers. And to be really honest the majority of my critical (music) listening is in stereo!

My primary interest is in the best quality audio I can get for my money. Watching movies in surround sound is relatively low priority for me and quite frankly the 5.1 surround suffices for me. I am currently leaning towards getting the Emotiva XMC-1. On paper and according to most of the reviews the audio on that system is reported to be outstanding for the money. Furthermore the have a dedicated 2-channel configuration that I can use with my Oppo to get what I hope will be outstanding stereo listening.

I really wish Outlaw would give us a little information about what they have coming. Like Emotiva, I believe that the Outlaw Pro will be focused on superior Audio performance and not so much on the "Bells and Whistles". Although they've said that it will support Atmos which means it might be a bit more than what I'm interested in having in my home. But I have no way of knowing since they aren't letting us know anything about the system.

I might hold on another week or two, but I'm pretty sure I'll pull the trigger before the end of the month.
Emotiva XMC-1, Outlaw 7500, Sonus Faber Olympica III Fronts, SF Liuto Center, SF Surrounds, LFM-1 EX, Oppo BDP-103D, Apple TV (Gen. 4), Mitsubishi 65" Diamond DLP, Outlaw Cables, PS Audio Power Quintet, Duet and power cords.