Being a musician I've been to countless shows, played shows, listened to lots of stereos and PA's etc.. I can't believe I've never heard music through a surround system before.. Man have I been missing out.

I didn't know music could sound so awesome! I haven't even got my sub in yet today but I'm sitting here in total bliss rocking out to Alice In Chains, back up vocals sneaking up behind me singing in my ear, scorching guitar solos screaming around me like I'm enveloped in a musical wave of energy... I can't even describe it... (you all know what I'm talking about though lol)

As soon as I hook the sub up and the bass drum is thumping in my chest I probably wont want to leave the house...

A few people had me questioning if I made the right decision getting these Infinity speakers... I couldn't imagine a better sound! You were wrong!! :P This is seriously awesome!