
You make a good point. However, here is something to consider: Let's assume you have a really decent home theater. I do- an Atlantic 8200 system (I have connections there) an LFM-Ex, a 975, and 7500, and finally, an Epson 9700 projector. I am really happy with this theater

Then I have two flat panels in other parts of my home including our bedroom. A receiver, 5 speakers, and a subwoofer just didn't seem to be the appropriate set-up (I learned when discussing things with one's spouse "subwoofer" and "bedroom" should never be uttered in the same sentence.)

The OSB-1 satisfies my needs for great sound (including robust bass) and it is installed above our wardrobe and angled down where it is unobtrusive. The both of us are happy.

I am not saying I built this for myself. But I am saying that in the design process I imagined how it was going to solve a big challenge in my home.

So the thought here is if you want great performance in more than one location in your home (ie: sound that will truly match the great picture) and at the same time you want a pretty good two- channel system when the TV is off, then the OSB-1 covers those bases in spades.

